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School of Theatre Arts and Dance

UNC Stage Combat

An article in the Greeley Tribune "Stage Fight: UNC thespians learn how to fight on stage" highlights the work and training currently being put into the stage combat element in the upcoming show "She Kills Monsters." [READ FULL POST]

The Crucible

The story of The Crucible focuses on a young farmer, his wife, and a young servant-girl who maliciously causes the wife's arrest for witchcraft. The farmer brings the girl to court to admit the lie—and it is here that the monstrous course of bigotry and deceit is terrifyingly depicted. The farmer, along with a host of other such victims, finds himself also accused of witchcraft. [READ FULL POST]

Hot l Baltimore

The scene is the lobby of a rundown hotel so seedy that it has lost the "e" from its marquee. As the action unfolds, the residents, ranging from young to old, from the defiant to the resigned, meet and talk and interact with each other during the course of one day. [READ FULL POST]

Luna: Theatre for Young Audiences 2018

Luna, by Ramon Esquivel, is the 2018 Theatre for Young Audiences production, scheduled for April in District 6 Schools and Hensel Phelps Theatre. Soledad is the daughter of migrant farm workers, so she is constantly changing homes and schools, which makes friendship hard. Frustrated, Soledad turns inward, finding comfort in books, in the stars, and in the company of the friendly moon, Luna. [READ FULL POST]