School of Art and Design

Dylan Gebbia-Richards creates an explosive symphony of vivid colors by layering melted wax onto the surface of his work. While each mark begins as a tiny speck, the gradual buildup of these small gestures culminates in a sensory experience of unparalleled proportion. The artist’s innovative process awakens an alternate state of consciousness that stimulates hearing colors and seeing sounds, also known as chromesthesia. [READ FULL POST]

This year’s Juried Student Exhibit is a collection of student artwork in areas of printmaking, drawing, painting, ceramics, sculpture, graphic design, digital art, and photography. Please join us opening night in celebration of our students and their exceptional work this year. [READ FULL POST]

Lemke’s “The Penland Experience” showcases the works that he created while working at Penland School of Crafts, located in North Carolina. This body of work is an exploration of his interest in marine biology as well as the defense mechanisms of different marine creatures. Lemke said that the various teapots, cups, mugs, Saki sets and other vessels shown in the exhibition all gave him a chance to experiment with new techniques, ideas and glazes. [READ FULL POST]

Art & Design students meet the challenge of creating pieces of art out of found objects. [READ FULL POST]