School of Art and Design

Olivia Davies, 2016 Southard Award Winner, will exhibit and present at the 2017 UNC Showcase of the Arts with other rising stars in visual art, music, and theatre from the University of Northern Colorado’s College of Performing and Visual Arts. [READ FULL POST]

The University of Northern Colorado’s School of Art & Design is proud to announce Impressions of Campus, a solo exhibition of UNC Alumnus and Faculty of Printmaking and Life Drawing, Sieger Hartgers. The works on view capture Hartgers’ admiration for the University’s campus, a place he says is, “uniquely beautiful” and has brought the artist great pleasure and catharsis throughout his tenure. [READ FULL POST]

Art & Design Professer Lauren Eisen answers questions about how she uses ancient and contemporary methods to portray memories in her art work. [READ FULL POST]

Arrigo’s recent investigations usually begin as simple gestures or routine interactions, often with his family. He preserves these encounters as digital artifacts and displays them in ways that expose the meaning and strangeness immanent in commonplace objects and activities. [READ FULL POST]