Graduate Student Advising
Graduate Advising within the College of Performing and Visual Arts is maintained by the Faculty. Your assigned Faculty Advisor is listed in DegreeWorks. There is no formal requirement for advising for graduate students, as no PIN is required to register. However, we strongly recommend that you meet with your faculty member annually or biannually to ensure you are on track within the program. Additionally, there are resources that allow you to project out course offerings. Please see the information below.
Graduate Offerings
Plans of Study & Exam Forms
- DA Plan of Study Form for Emphasis in Collaborative Piano, Conducting, Jazz Studies, Music Performance, or Music Performance/Pedagogy
- DA Plan of Study for Emphasis in Jazz Studies
- DA Plan of Study for Emphasis in Composition
- DA Plan of Study for Emphasis in Music History & Literature
- DA Plan of Study Form for Emphasis in Music Education
- Doctoral Written Comprehensive Exams Permit/Results Form
- Doctoral Written Comprehensive Exams Permit/Results Form (Music Ed)
- Masters Comprehensive Exam Permit
- Graduate Recital Completion Report
Graduate Student Advising and Services
School of Music Graduate Handbook
Graduate Coordinator
Music History & Literature
Professor of Music
Frasier 122B
(970) 351-2319
Theatre Arts & Dance
Degree Programs
Master of Arts in Dance Education
Master of Arts in Theatre Education
Graduate Student Advising and Services
Schedule an Appointment with the Advising Center
Program Coordinators
Area Head of Theatre Education
Professor of Theatre Education
Frasier 108C
(970) 351-1926