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PVA Education

PVA has a long history in arts education. Roughly one third of our undergraduates pursuing a degree are specializing in education. Our education programs not only prepare you for the classroom, but also give you high-quality professional training in your area of focus. For example, music education majors can declare their major with their primary instrument (classical, jazz, or folk/bluegrass). 



1/3 of PVA Students are Education majors.

Field Experience

All field hours will be maintained in our digital submission system. To upload and view your hours, log in with your bear number using the link below. Please view the "How to Upload Field Experience" video for complete instructions. The video walks you through the process of uploading observation hours to Airtable. This applies to MUSIC and ART education students. If you are confused on the process, please watch this video in full. If you still have remaining questions, please reach out to Lindsey.Stobaugh@unco.edu or come by the office in Guggenheim 102. Happy observing!

PTEP Checkpoints

Knowing how your PTEP paperwork intersects with your school’s curriculum is important in navigating your education. Below you will see where your PTEP Checkpoints line up with your coursework. Please work with your advisor to stay on track. Please note, PTEP paperwork is organized and maintained by the College of Education at UNC, not through PVA.  

Art & Design PTEP Outline
  1. Initial – ART 248 
  2. Full – ART 345 
  3. Application to student teach – ART 445 
Music PTEP Outline
  1. Initial – Freshman Spring, MCA form signed by Lindsey Stobaugh
  2. Full – Sophomore Spring, MCA form signed by Lindsey Stobaugh
    Praxis Test should be completed by Junior Spring 
  3. Application to student teach – Senior Fall, MCA form signed by Lindsay Fulcher
Theatre PTEP Outline
  1. Initial - Freshman Spring
  2.  Full – Junior Fall 
    Praxis Test should be completed by Junior Spring 
  3. Application to student teach – Senior Fall 



As part of the initial licensure in Colorado, candidates must demonstrate the subject matter knowledge for teaching in their endorsement area. This is done through the PRAXIS exam. Below is the testing information for your specific area. The links will take you a webpage that contains registration information, free study materials for each test, and an online practice test for purchase.

Art & Design
Theatre Arts & Dance

PRAXIS Resources:

Praxis Experience Presentation (created by UNC Students 2020)

Student Teaching 

Read this UNC School of Teacher Education page carefully for overall Student Teaching policies.

UNC Student Teaching Information

Art Student Teaching Handbook 

Music Education Student Teaching Handbook

Theatre Student Teaching Handbook