School of Art and Design
College of Performing and Visual Arts
Donna is a licensed teacher and principal with over 20 years of experience ranging all grade levels. However, it is the middle school art room and its occasionally baffling inhabitants that hold the strongest place in her teacher’s heart. In addition to her classroom and administrative experience, Donna is a strong arts advocate and is active in arts education policy. She has successful experience working in museum education and does independent consulting work for schools and arts organizations specifically in arts integration, the arts and sheltered instruction for emerging bilinguals, arts assessment, targeted professional development for diverse learners, curriculum writing, and program evaluation. She recently was the higher education representative for the Colorado Art Education Association (CAEA), served as a member of the State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education (SEADAE) and represented Colorado as a voting member of the National Association of State Directors of Art Education (NASDAE). She served on the international research review panel for ArtsEdSearch and has recently presented her own research and work at the AEP Annual Gathering, AERA, AATC, NAEA, and CAEA.
Donna's research interests are in service to advocacy of art education, art educators, and their students. This includes arts education policy, standards, instructional support, and authentic evaluation of teaching practices. Subcategories of this overarching research theme include arts assessment and assessment of ‘non-tested’ subjects, diverse learners and the arts, and transdisciplinary learning particularly where the arts intersect with science and mathematics. She also has an interest in introducing the historical work of British art educator Kurt Rowland to a contemporary audience.
Goodwin, D. & Urhmacher, B, (2024). Kurt Rowland's visual education: A quiet force in post‐war art pedagogy. International Journal of Art & Design Education. (43) 2, pp. 289-301.
Goodwin, D. (2022). Behind the art room door: Assessment in the age of educational accountability. NAEA Assessment White Paper (Section 5).
Goodwin, D. (2021). Beyond answers in watertight containers: CLD strategies in art education. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue. Vol. 23.
Goodwin, D., Demetrius, A. & Uhrmacher, B. (2019). Responding and connecting: Visual literacy for today using the mid-20th century ideas of artist and educator Kurt Rowland. Art Education: The Journal of the National Art Education Association. (72) 3, pp. 39-44.
Goodwin, D., Marino, A., Erekson, N., Kittilson, K., Calderon, S., Martin, L., & Forman, K. (Winter, 2019). So you want to be an art teacher? Student teachers' practical guide to student teaching. Collage: A Magazine for Colorado’s Art Educators. pp. 72-83.
Goodwin, D., Uhrmacher, B. (2017). Engaging English language learners through the arts using the aesthetic overlay of CRISPA in Dell’Angelo, T., Ammentorp, L., & Madden, L. (Eds.). Using photography and other arts-based methods with English Language Learners. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Goodwin, D. (Fall, 2016). Art teacher ~ Action researcher. Collage: A Magazine for Colorado’s Art Educators. pp. 16-18.
National and State collaborative publications:
Facilitating: Visual Art Colorado Academic Standards (2021-2022) Review and Revision Process.
Authored: High Impact Instruction in Diverse Learning Settings (2020).
Co-Authored: Huser, Joyce et al. (2020). STEAM and the Role of the Arts in STEM. New York: State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education.
Facilitated and reviewed: Practical Ideas for Evaluating Teachers of the Arts - Visual Arts (2018).
Facilitated and reviewed: 2020 Colorado Academic Standards in visual art (2018).
Authored: High Impact Instructional Strategies: Visual Arts (2016) and Research-Based Practices (2016).