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UNC Jazz Camp

Designed to be intensive, challenging, and inspiring, the UNC Jazz Camp is led by faculty from the University of Northern Colorado and special guests.

Be a part of student big bands, combos, vocal jazz ensembles, jazz master classes, jazz theory and listening classes, student jam sessions, nightly faculty group concerts, and a special performance by the Colorado Jazz Orchestra.

  • Previous band or jazz choir choir experience required, grades 7-12.
  • Students living in Greeley, CO may elect to attend as a commuter and pay the tuition only.
  • A $100 deposit or full payment is required to reserve your spot. 
  • After completing the registration form, your will be redirected to your portal where you can pay camp fees via credit card or bank account and sign the waiver forms. 

Questions about Jazz Camp? Email PVAEvents@unco.edu

Located in Beautiful Greeley, Colorado

Spend 6 days on the beautiful UNC campus in Greeley, Colorado, playing jazz with friends, the UNC Jazz Faculty, and special guest artists. 

Camp Details



July 13-18, 2025



Greeley, Colorado



Tuition: $445.00

Room & Board

Double Occupancy - $340

Single Occupancy - $395

Register NowPay Your Balance

Looking Back at Previous Camps

Jazz Camp big band
Jazz Camp vocal group
Jazz Camp trumpet player
Jazz Camp guitarist
Jazz Camp drumset player
Jazz Camp pianist
Jazz Camp flutist
Jazz Camp saxophone player

Camp Details

  • 2024 Schedule


  • Auditions

    Schedule you audition and Theory Assessment

    Auditions at the UNC Jazz Camp are designed to place participants in the appropriate combos and big bands. You'll be asked to simply play a tune you're familiar with. You may also be asked to play a blues or solo. Theory assessments are also used to place students in the proper level of theory class. 

  • Room and Board

    Room and Board

    • The $340/$395 Room and Board fee includes 5 nights double occupancy in Brown Hall, Lujan Hall, Bond Hall or Dickeson Hall, 15 meals (starting with dinner on July 13 and ending with lunch on July 18) at Holmes Dining Hall.  Single occupancy rooms are available for an  additional $55.00.
      • Learn more about Nutrition, Dietician and Food Allergies while dining on campus 
    • Roomates will be assigned based on age and gender. If you would like to room with a specific student, please email PVAEvents@unco.edu
    • Students will be given a key card to access the residence hall and dining hall. Key Cards are $5 to replace and hard keys are $80.
  • Check-in & Check-out 


    eventCheck-in Date/Time: Sunday, July 13th from 12:00pm - 2:30pm

    location_onLocation: Brown Hall

    If not already received, the tuition/balance and release form is due at check-in. Students under the age of 18 may check-in without a parent/guardian as long as they have completed  the release. All On-Campus students are required to attend an informational meeting at 4:30pm at the Garden Theatre.

    Commuter students may check-in anytime between 12:00pm & 2:30pm at Brown Hall. 

    All students are required to attend the welcome concert at 7:00pm in the Campus Commons Perfomance Hall.

    Auditions and Theory Assessments

    After check-in you will head to Frasier Hall for auditions and a theory placement assessment. This is nothing to worry about, as it's just our way of forming the ensembles. You can feel free to play a piece you are familiar with such as an etude or song (jazz standard, pop, classical, or other style)(Optional). You may be asked to solo on a blues and do a little sight reading. 



    eventCheckout Date/Time: Friday, July 18th immediately following the large ensemble concert (3:30pm)

    location_onLocation: Campus Commons Rehearsal Hall


    For check-in, check-out and the Friday concert, parking is available on 8th Avenue and in any UNC lot. Lots are not monitored on the weekends or on Fridays after 1:00pm. V Lot is the closest lot to Brown Hall. For students bringing a vehicle to campus street parking is available on 10th ave. 

    local_parkingParking Map

  • Packing List

    Packing List

    For those staying on-campus

    • Enough Clothes for 5 days and 5 nights
      • Greeley in July is HOT!! We recommend shorts and t-shirts.
    •  Bedding
      • Sheets, blanket, and pillow (the beds are twin size)
    • Toiletries and a towel
    • See additional information about Brown Hall

    For Everyone

    • Instrument & extra accessories (reeds, slide oil, drum sticks, etc)
      • Local drummers and bassist should plan on bringing their equipment. If you play one of these instruments and are from out-of-town, please email PVAEvents@unco.edu. 
      • Drumsets may be dropped off at Frasier Hall 0063. 
    • Hat and Sunglasses
    • Sunscreen
    • Water bottle
    • Sneekers (we will be doing a lot of walking)
    • Snacks


    All drummers should plan on bringing sticks, brushes, cymbals and a drumset. For those unable to bring their drumset due to travel, please email PVAEvents@unco.edu. Drumsets should be dropped off at Frasier Hall, Room 0063 via the entrance at 17th Street and 9th Ave anytime after check-in

  • Health Forms & Medications

    Health Forms

    Per CO Department of Health polices, all participants must provide the following forms:


    Camp Staff are not permitted to administer any medicatons (prescription or over-the-counter). If your child requires daily medicine, ensure that they are equipped to administer it themselves. Both you and your child's physician will need to complete the Medication Self-Carry Contract

  • Camp Instructors

    Camp Instructors

    • Dana Landry, Camp Director and Jazz Piano
    • Brian Casey, Bass
    • Jim White, Drums
    • Andrew Janak, Saxophone
    • Steve Kovalcheck, Guitar
    • Marion Powers, Voice
    • Don Aliquo, Saxophone
    • Paul Mckee, Trombone
  • Commuters


    • Commuters are expected to be at all events, except the housing meeting on Sunday. 
    • Call time Monday-Friday is 9:00am
    • Commuters under 18 are required to stay on campus at all times. Those over 18 may leave campus for meals and free time after checking-out with their Counselor.

     Daily Schedule

    • Sunday: 12:00pm (or whenever you check-in) - 9:00pm
    • Monday: 9:00am - 9:00pm
    • Tuesday: 9:00am - 10:00pm
    • Wednesday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
    • Thursday: 9:00am - 9:00pm
    • Friday: 9:00am - 3:00pm (or whenever the concert concludes)

    If you need to leave early, please let your counselor know


    Commuters under 18 are required to remain on-campus for Lunch & Dinner (Sun, Mon, Tue, Thur). Plan on bringing a sack lunch or purchasing a meal at the dining hall. Prices are the same as the Room & Board package, but will need to be purchased individually. Lunch: $14.50, Dinner: $15.00. 

  • Free Time & Supervision 

    Free Time & Supervision

    • Throughout the week, students will have "free time" in which they can participate in activities, make new friends, and explore the UNC Campus. 
    • All students staying in the dorms will have a curfew of 10:00pm and lights out is at 11:00pm.
    • Jazz Camp counselors are UNC Jazz students and will not only supervise and engage students, but make music with them throughout the week. 
    • All students under the age of 18 must be supervised with a camp counselor while on campus.
  • Curriculum & Instruction

    Curriculum and Instruction

    • Each day of camp will include the listening, jazz theory & improv, large & small group rehearsal, masterclasses, and concerts
    • Upon arrival, our camp instructors will assess each student's playing skills and theory knowledge to place them in the appropriate ensemble and theory track
  • Concerts

    Jazz Camp Final Concerts

    Parents and families are welcome to attend any of the concerts

    Campers will receive a camp t-shirt for the concerts.

    Combo Concert

    Thursday, July 17 | 2:00pm, UNC Frasier Hall, Rm 0090 & 0063

    Large Ensemble Concert

    Friday, July 18 | 1:30pm, Campus Commons Performance Hall

    The Final concert for the 2024 Jazz Camp will be on Friday, July 18 at 1:30pm at the Campus Commons Performance Hall. Come hear what these incredible students have been working on all week!

    Street parking is always free and our lots are free Monday-Thursday after 5:00pm, Friday after 1:00pm, and all day on the weekends. 

    Other Concerts

    • Sunday, July 13 | 7:00pm, Campus Commons Performance Hall, UNC Jazz Faculty
    • Monday, July 14 | 7:00pm, Campus Commons Performance Hall, UNC Jazz Faculty
    • Tuesday, July 15 | 8:00pm, UNC Garden Theatre, Colorado Jazz Orchestra
    • Thursday, July 17 | 7:00pm, Campus Commons Performance Hall, UNC Jazz Faculty

    All Concerts are Free and Open to All 


Planning Your Visit







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UNC Jazz Camp

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